Candida / Yeast Related Conditions

Do You Have a Yeast Related Condition? Here are the top 11 signs you may have candida or some other yeast related condition.

  1. Urinary tract and vaginal infections

  2. Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, heartburn, GERD

  3. Severe acne and skin conditions

  4. Food allergy addiction (allergic but crave and brain fog) and overweight

  5. Excessive fatigue and depression

  6. Infertility

  7. Menstrual disorders and low libido

  8. Itching

  9. Behavioral and psychiatric conditions (also could be caused by Lyme or PANDAS)

  10. Hyperactivity

  11. Telltale body signs = rough skin patches especially where skin is moist and droopy, whitish vaginal secretions, redness of cuticle bases of fingernails or toenails, flaky dandruff scalp of face/neck areas, jock itch or redness or itchy foreskin, tongue coated in white (but Dr Jemsek feels this just means you have toxins that need clearing), abnormally dry or oily skin, losing hair for no apparent reason

Treating Yeast Related Conditions

  1. Build a strong immune system – detox daily, nuture self, natural bristle brush daily, good daily exercise, eat organic, water, detox supplements (aloe vera, rhodiola, ginseng, fiber, enzymes)

  2. Stop feeding candida/Start a yeast free diet – avoid sugar/sweeteners, simple carbs, yeast, molded cheeses, most nuts that have not been refrigerated, vinegar, alcohol, and can google specifics and read “Beyond the Yeast Connection”, by Levin MD, Gare ND is a great short book with a very good diet guide & recipes

  3. Take something to kill the yeast – garlic, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, coconut oil (monolaurin), tannins (supplement Tanalbit is good, tannins are found in seeds n stems of grapes n bark – bitter taste)……Non absorbable anti-fungal (Nystatin, Mycelex troche) and Oral absorbable anti-fungal (Diflucan, Nizoral = ketaconozole, Sporonox) and Topical anti-fungal (Lamisil, Lotrimin, Desenex)

  4. Probiotics – a very good one and change every season

  5. Avoid major triggers – BCP, antibiotics, high sugar/simple carb diet, stomach acid suppressants


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