Essential Oils for a Strong Immune System

As “cold and flu” season approaches we naturally want to do everything we can to protect ourselves and our families from getting sick and although there is no substitute for a healthy lifestyle you may want to consider using essential oils for an extra boost of protection. Just about all essential oils have anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties to varying degrees which will help strengthen the immune system thus keeping most infections to a minimum.

A word of caution though: Not all essential oils are created equal and quality is of utmost importance. You can be assured that goDesana essential oils at Excell For Life are of the finest quality available anywhere. All the oils are formulated using the highest industry standards and are safe for use as directed.

So, where is a good place to start?


To kill any airborne germs and bacteria try putting a few drops of immune supportive essential oils such as PROTECTOR OIL BLEND or BREATHE OIL BLEND into a diffuser and allow it to penetrate the air around you. It will protect you from external invaders and is also a great first line of defense for your immunity. The molecules of the oil go directly to the lungs and are quickly absorbed into the blood stream where they circulate throughout the whole body within minutes. You can also dilute several drops in water in a glass spray bottle and use as a more effective and safer hand sanitizer.


Applying essential oils to the soles of your feet is another great way for the oils to travel immediately throughout the body. The following 2 oil blends are safe for long term use. Apply 2-3 drops to soles of feet morning and/or evening especially during cold and flu season. Especially good to apply to children as they are exposed to so many germs at school. Wellness for Adults (and Children over 10) OR Wellness for Kids and Elderly:


At the first sign of cold, flu or other infection, apply a few drops of one of the following oils to the sole of each foot. May be used several times a day for 1st couple days until symptoms subsideThese two Essential Oils are selected from an ancient formula used by spice traders to strengthen their immune systems during the time of the plague. These 2 oils are for short term use only until symptoms subside.

Tri Remedy   or   Tri Remedy for Kids

Above all, remember to eat well, get plenty of sleep and exercise, drink plenty of water and get some sunshine and fresh air each day. Lets stay healthy together this winter!!

Margie Setterlof PT CN MS


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