Healing Your Gut

Two important steps in healing the gut and replenishing healthy digestive flora requires:
1. quality probiotic supplements and
2. at least a seasonal rotation of those products.

Prescript-Assist Pro™ by Researched Nutritionals is just one of the excellent probiotic products we offer here at Excell.

Prescript-Assist Pro™ is a broad-spectrum probiotic with 30+ soil based, pH-resistant micro flora. Your Excell provider may recommend that you switch up or add to your probiotic regimen to increase the variety and number of good cultures. Prescript-Assist Pro™ is a great alternative and/or add-on to Ortho Biotic Probiotic.

Soil Based Organisms (SBO) Probiotics

SBOs are soil-based probiotic organisms found in healthy soils which produce and release powerful enzymes that prepare and purify soil to support plant growth. Natural soil is a living biomass composed of SBOs, fungi, yeasts, and microscopic insects. The role of SBOs is to keep the soil biomass in a healthy dynamic balance that supports the growth of plants and animals. Additionally, SBOs simultaneously produce and release specific nutrients necessary to accelerate plant development and reproduction. SBOs play the same role in the gut as they do in the soil: supporting the healthy growth of organisms.

Many forms of SBO, as well as their enzyme and nutrient byproducts, are consumed when humans eat fresh, organically-grown fruits and vegetables. SBO consumption was widespread when, prior to the 20th century, people ate foods fresh from fields and gardens. Today, our food processing techniques combined with fungicides, herbicides and heat destroy most or all of these friendly soil-based organisms in our food supply.

SBOs are rapidly expended in their fight against acidity, pathogens, and other destabilizing elements. Consequently, restoring, or maintaining GI health depends on a constant supply of SBO’s.

The dose I recommend: 1 capsule 2 times daily 30 minutes before meals Prescript-Assist Pro™ comes in 60 count bottles.

And don’t forget to drink 1/2 your body weight in water to keep your healthy body hydrated!

Love and blessings,

Dr. Lisa


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