Menopause & Andropause (Male Menopause) – We Can Help With Bio-identical Hormones!

Bio-identical hormones are identical in every way to our bodies own hormones.  They are a safe and effective natural treatment for menopause and andropause to:

  • decrease related symptoms such as hot flashes, low
    libido & sexual problems, fatigue, and foggy thinking,

  • invigorate your sex life and extend your
    youthful years & feel younger,

  • cut your risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart
    disease, and Alzheimer’s

Most women start to suffer some of these symptoms in their 40’s.  Men usually begin to suffer their hormone related symptoms in their 50’s (but some in their 40’s and others not until 60’s).

If you are lucky and do not have many symptoms with your hormone decrease, then just some natural supplements may help (and you may not want to spend the time or money taking daily supplements).  Read my article this Spring 2011 on Natural Methods in Menopause.

In the past we suggested unnatural synthetic
hormones, Premarin and especially Provera, which were found to be dangerous and
caused increased health risks.  Now with many past and ongoing studies we know that bio-identical hormones are very safe and effective.  They even have been shown
to be safe and protective in some studies for women who have had breast cancer.

I continue to learn together about hormones, nutrition, traditional medicine, and more (and recently attended a Deeper Still conference in Louisville in June).  Please read my previous article about hormone balance and hormone symptoms and my articles about elevating your libido and sex drive help for Men and Women in November and December 2010.  Make an appointment to discuss your hormone status and symptoms with one of us.  We will decide if you need blood or saliva hormone testing, and what hormones you may need.

Bio-identical Hormones for Women – best obtained from a good custom pharmacy such as Custom Med Apothecary (where Dr. Miller gets her hormones and hormone training)

Triest Estrogen – the bodies three natural estrogens (Estriole, Estrone,and Estradiole) and usually in the dose of 0.25 – 0.5 mg/day taken as troches dissolved alongside your gum or vaginally

Progesterone – usually in cream 20-40mg/day often taken at night

Testosterone cream – 0.5-1mg/day

DHEA adrenal hormone – usually 5-10 mg/day (dissolved under tongue or vaginally)

Many younger women can benefit from supplementation of their progesterone the last half of their menstrual cycles to helpsignificantly decrease PMS symptoms.

Bio-identical Hormones for Men – best from Custom Med Apothecary (unless you have very good Rx coverage for Testim or Androgel)

Testosterone – usually 50 – 100mg/day in a gel applied to the skin of upper body (but can be in bi-monthly injections)

DHEA adrenal hormone – usually 5-10 mg/day (dissolved under tongue)

(Most men require daily well absorbed Zinc supplements to keep their bodies from changing Testosterone into Estrogen.)

Bio-identical hormones may be able to help you with our Excell goal of helping you grow stronger and healthier at every age!


Dr. Lisa


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