Natural Cold & Flu Prevention (2021)

Natural Cold & Flu Prevention and Treatment

Daily Excell for Life Supplements to Take Year Round: 

You can double these products during sickness or exposure to illness. 

  • Ortho Biotic (our highest recommended probiotic)

  • Orthomega (BEST anti-inflammatory: high-purity fish oil)

  • Vitamin D (many in Indiana are vitamin D deficient even during summer!)

  • Ultra Potent C 1000mg  1 - 6,000 mg/day (up to bowel tolerance) Vitamin C fights allergy & cold symptoms. Great for energy & detox!

Immune System Boosters & Antiviral/Antibacterial: use if you have cold symptoms, exposure to colds & flu, or plane travel

  1. Viracid (bottle or blister pack): 2 capsules/hour for 1st day &/or 2 capsules 4x/day until better (or for exposure 1-2 twice/day), a powerful blend of echinacea/atragalus/elderberry&vitamins, Dr. Lisa’s favorite along with ADP!

  2. Liquid ImmunoBerry – is a great immune booster with Elderberry & shiitake mushrooms & Astralagus

  3. ADP Oil of Oregano: 2 - 4 tablets 2-4x/day until better

  4. IMU-MAX good tasting immune system boost for toddlers & children with Propolis & Echinacea to use even daily throughout the cold season to prevent & lesson cold duration: ½-1 teaspoon 3x/day

  5. Echinacea: 1 capsule 4x/day until better (or for exposure 1-2/day)

  6. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): 2 capsules 2-4x/day (for flu exposure 1-2 capsules 2x/day), and also great antioxidant AND treats symptoms of cough, sinus and airway congestion

  7. Ultra Potent C 1000mg: extra powerful vitamin C which boosts natural killer cell activity & wbc function of immune system, great anti-oxidant AND can greatly help asthma & allergies; 1-2  two-four times/day.

  8. ACS Silver Nasal Spray (colloidal silver fights viral & bacterial infections): 1-2 sprays up to 3 times daily. This nasal spray is a new favorite here at Excell for sinus congestion, allergies, infections, & before plane travel!

  9. Argentyn Bio-Active Liquid Silver (Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial): 1/2 - 1 dropper full under tongue for 20 seconds then swallow 3-4x/day for several days, and can put in Neil Med saline irrigation)

  10. Argentyn Bio-Active Silver Gel for cuts, bug bites, diaper rash & prevent infection: use 2-4x/day

  11. L-Glutathione 250mg (1-2 1-2x/d): master antioxidant, boosts mictochondria & natural killer cells

Acute Care for Cold, Flu, & Other Symptoms

  1. See above NAC (cough & congestion) / Ultra Potent C (allergies/congestion & cough/wheezing)

  2. ACS silver nasal spray or liquid or gel (allergies & congestion, bug bites, rashes)

  3. Natranix: Natural Cough Syrup w thyme, sage, elderberry & echinacea: Children 1 yr. & older: 1-2 teaspoons 3-4x/day; Adults: 1 tablespoon 3-4x/day or as directed

  4. Orthobiotic probiotic 23 billion/capsule w 7 probiotic types including sach boulardii which fights bad yeast and promotes good bacteria everywhere – great daily orally, Dr. Lisa opens 1 capsule daily on her mouth to help prevent sinusitis (has no taste) AND can sprinkle in baby’s diaper for yeast or underpants/bras/make salve w coconut oil for underarms & vaginal irritations

Healthy Life Habits Support a Healthy Immune System

Prioritize SLEEP 8-9 hours every night. Destress 10-20minutes twice daily.  Eat a rainbow of colorful fruits & veggies. Exercise and never sit for more than an hour without getting up even for a minute! Drink ½ your weight in ounces of water daily! Drink warm liquids (tea) & keep the back of your neck warm with a scarf are extra ways to stay healthy.

Successful Acute Care for the Flu

Real Life Case of Dr. Miller’s Acute Care for Daughter Annika.

 Share this to help family & friends!

“Sunday, my daughter suddenly started coming down with influenza (terrible aches, cough, and fatigue). I immediately started her on Tamiflu (twice a day with meals) and told her to take her daily Vitamin D, Fish oil, & Orthobiotic (she usually doesn’t remember/want to do this…).


Monday, she went to school but then developed a fever (along with more aches & cough/fatigue), so she was willing to add our great immune boosters & anti-viral supplements as she had an important dance competition in a couple days.

I gave her 2 Viracid, 2 Echinacea Synergy, 2 NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), 2 Vitamin C 1000mg, and 4 ADP Oil of Oregano with a little snack, and in about an hour all her symptoms and fever were so much better! 


Her fever never got to 100 again. For about 2 days she would get a little worse right before her next dose of the supplements, but they continued to make her feel SO much better….See my dosing for teens and adults below.


She did not miss any school or homework or practices her week of influenza! And she did have her competition partners take immune boosters too.

Wow, last night she even thanked me and said I was right about the supplements!”

Take as Soon as Flu Symptoms Appear:

  • Viracid - 2 capsules 3x/daily (has some echinacea)

  • NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - 2 capsules 2-3x/daily

  • Vitamin C 1000mg - 2 capsules 2-3x/daily and or Emergen-C

  • ADP Oil of Oregano - 4 tablets 3-4x/daily

Can take extra Echinacea with Echinacea Synergy - 1 to 2 tablets 3x/daily

Flu Prevention:

1-2 NAC daily (Studies in nursing homes show that taking NAC daily helps lower the occurrence and duration of FLU!)

Also get good sleep and take your daily Ortho Biotic, Vitamin D, OrthoMega, and Alpha Base!


Recommended for Coronavirus Prevention:

Wash your hands often. Do not touch your face. Everyone 30 & up take at least:
NAC 1/daily to help prevent coronavirus & immune support

Additional Support:

✅ Turiva 1/daily great for joint pain, inflammation, gut & immune health. 

✅ Mitocore our awesome top multivitamin (has antioxidant & cellular support NAC, carnitine, alphalipoic acid), & Kforce (D5000 & K for heart & bone health).  


“Breath – The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor