Say Hello to Natural D-Hist and Goodbye to Most Allergy Symptoms

Allergies are hitting many of us hard this time of year I wanted to share my personal experience with our supplement Natural D-Hist.

When I was a kid I suffered from seasonal allergies so badly there were times I literally could not go outside and play because my nose was so congested and my eyes itched so badly. As I got older the symptoms got a little better, yet I am still “reminded” every year when the first grass starts to sprout and trees start to bloom when I get the runny nose and sniffles.

D-Hist works like a miracle for about seven out of ten people when they follow the dosing instructions. You will experience relief within the first two weeks to the point you will almost forget your allergies.

How to Get the Best Results
To experience this benefit it is critical you need to take two capsules, three times each day for ten days then you can go back to between two and three tablets per day depending on how severe your symptoms tend to be and what you are allergic to. My biggest problems occur early in spring and then again with the ragweed during Hay Fever season in fall but individual people will be different. I take one tablet per day even in the colder weather so it stays in my system and helps with dust when our houses are all closed up and we are breathing the same recycled air.

The really awesome thing about Natural D-Hist is it is a totally natural supplement so there are no side effects! There are no known side effects from mixing it with any other prescription medications you are taking. However, if you take prescription medication(s) that often have adverse reactions with other medications, check with your health care professional that subscribed the original medication before taking Natural D-Hist.

Excell also carries a pleasant tasting, chewable version for kids.

Before we bring any of our natural supplements into inventory at Excell For Life we research all products thoroughly and in many cases our staff tries them and tests the products. This way we feel comfortable endorsing them. I am really glad that I took Andy’s advice and tried this product three summers ago.

Like I shared before: 70% of people claim amazing results, but if you are one of the 30% that it unfortunately does not help (when you have taken the full recommended loading dose) we will offer you a 100% refund on the bottle.

There are 120 capsules per bottle so when you divide it up by the normal daily dose it costs less than seventy five cents per day which is less expensive than many OTC products. This does not even include all the money you save on Kleenex!

So put D-Hist to the test, or leave a comment on this post about how D-Hist has helped you. For those of you who are just starting to take Natural D-Hist, I will say a prayer that your results are as great as mine have been!


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