Supplements for Pain & Inflammation Relief

These are the best supplements for chronic pain or when suffering from acute pain and inflammation. Great for musculoskeletal pain, but also for abdominal pain/GI problems and flares of autoimmune or inflammatory conditions!

1. Inflamma-bLOX – 6 caps per day, divided into 2-3 doses. This is designed to help reduce inflammation and address immune imbalance/issues. A great choice for acute pain and autoimmune pain as well! High dose Turmeric reduces inflammatory response. Also contains skull cap, bee propolis, and flower pollen extract which inhibit inflammation, help reduce viral infection, and support respiratory tract/allergies!

2. KappArest (Special Order) – 3 capsules 1-2x’s per day, containing a broad range of antioxidants that downregulate the inflammatory response. This includes curcumin and also has ginger which is shown to reduce inflammation! Great for the people with a lot of toxin exposure/oxidative stress as this will help reduce free radicals in the body & detox!  Also once pain is much better w Inflammablox, you can often switch to this.

3. Reacted Magnesium – 2-4 capsules before bedtime or twice daily. Good for everyone, as this is the #1 mineral deficiency in the US. Great for muscle tension/cramps/tightness! Also relaxing at bedtime! Too much magnesium = diarrhea so then you can decrease the amount if this occurs.

4.  CurcumRx – 2 capsules daily for maintenance, or 2 capsules 2-3x/day for acute inflammation (& can decrease cardioCRP along w our Orthomega Fish oil), is high quality potent curcumin!

5. Chondro-Flx – 1-2 caps twice daily. Highest quality Glucosamine / Chondroitin supplement for pain & prevention of osteoarthritis. Use early in patients, at first sign of chronic joint pain or family hx / risk of osteoarthritis! This is less effective when added late in the disease process.  Dr. Lisa and Nurse Anne love this!

6. Collagen (highest quality by Orthomolecular) – 1 scoop 1-2x’s per day.  A great addition to any patient with joint/musculoskeletal discomfort! This contains a proprietary blend of collagen called “Fortigel” as well as type I collagen & hyaluronic acid extract. With time our skin, tendons, ligaments, and fascial tissue experience reduced elasticity (wrinkles & body aches!). This product helps to stimulate collagen regeneration = healthier connective tissue! Rather then blocking inflammation, collagen works to encourage regeneration & elongation of injured soft tissue. This is an excellent choice for maintenance daily in a smoothie, AND for acute & chronic injuries/pains!

7. Intenzyme Forte – 2-8+ tablets on empty stomach 2-3x/day.  A proteolytic enzyme (similar to a digestive enzyme, so do not take w food, as will then act this way) which pulls out inflammation & swelling to help with pain & healing.  When you are doing RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) be sure to remember adding this!

8. Kaprex – 1 once or twice daily.  All-natural joint pain relief rather than Advil or Aleve (nsaids), & without effects on gut, kidney, liver, BP & platelets.   Contains blend of Luduxin (hops extract to decrease prostaglandins PGE2 like nsaids), rosemary extract (antioxidant that decreases inflammation), & oleanolic acid (also decreases PGE2).

Don’t forget replacing a meal daily with one of our excellent medical foods, like Inflammacore: (Inflamma Core Vanilla Chai or Inflamma Core Strawberry) 1-2 scoops/day (and can make into shake with veggies & fruit, like celery/cilantro/cruciferous veggies/green leafy/berries), has rice protein, l-glutamine, prebiotiics, ginger, turmeric, quercetin, etc. to soothe & heal inflammation in GI tract and elsewhere!


  • Drink LOTS of water (8+ glasses/day)

  • Sleep (This is when we repair! So prioritize at least 8 hours nightly!),

  • Stretch & move/exercise

  • Intermittent fasting &/or TRE (time restricted eating),

  • Healthy eating,

  • Our Ortho Molecular Fish Oil (2-4/day), Vitamin D & our probiotics. These daily health habits can greatly improve pain in most people!


Probiotics, Prebiotics and Food Sensitivities


How to Time Your Exercise