Therapy to Tame Your Legs & What is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)?

5 – 15% of you have this unpleasant condition that:

  • causes strange sensations in your legs

  • happens at rest and goes away with movement of your legs

  • gives you the urge to kick and move your legs especially during the night

  • can also lead you to involuntarily move and jerk your legs at night

We do not know what causes RLS and there is not test for it, but it is associated with some medical disorders (iron deficiency, kidney disease, diabetes, MS, Parkinsons, pregnancy, rheumatic diseases, and varicose veins)and some medicines (Procardia, antidepressants, sedating antihistamines like Benedryl).  It is more common in women, increases with age, and tends to run in families.

What can you do to help and treat RLS?

Non drug therapy you can do on your own

  • a trial of Iron therapy is recommended for all (our reacted iron twice a day along with Vitamin C to help absorption, and then checking an iron/ferritin level after 3-4 months)

  • avoidance of any aggravating factors (often caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, soda pop)

  • stretch your legs at night before your sleep (stand facing the wall with feet together and about 2 feet from the wall; with heels firmly on floor & shoulders/hips/knees lined up straight lean forward into the wall; hold for 10-30 seconds and this should stretch the backs of your legs; repeat 5 times each session at least twice a day)

  • do activities to keep your mind alert during the day (like crossword puzzles or different activities)

  • try a Calcium-Magnesium supplement nightly or twice daily (and can help with migraines!) or potassium chloride salt substitute on your food (as long as no kidney disease)

  • try 800-1000mg Folic acid at bedtime or a single Aspirin at bedtime (as long as no medical reasons not to take aspirin)

  • try some of the options listed in my July 3rd article on “Help for Leg & Foot Cramps”, and one patient uses a cold pack or runs cold water over her legs, and another takes a warm bath

Medicine Options

1.  Dopamine Agonists – Requip, Mirapex, Cabergoline

2.  Levodopa – Sinemet

3.  Gabepentin – Neurontin

4.  Opiods – Ultram (Tramedol), Codeine, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Methadone

5.  Other Drugs – Tegretol (Carbamazapine), Lyrica, Clonidine, Propranolol, Amantadine (Symmetrel)

My prayers for restFUL legs!!!

Dr. Lisa


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