UltraMind Solution: Part 3

Keys # 2 (Balance Hormones), 3 (Cool Inflammation), 4 (Fix Digestion)

KEY #2: Balance Your Hormones – all cells talk to each other through these messengers, and an imbalance can be connected to any disease

There are 3 big epidemics of hormonal problems in America – too much insulin because of sugar, too much cortisol and adrenalin because of stress, and not enough thyroid hormone & sex hormone imbalance because of toxin exposure and food allergy and our SAD diets

Insulin – high levels from sugar (the average American eats 158 pounds of sugar per year) lead to memory and mood problems, mental illness, weight gain, high blood pressure and heart disease, cancer, and many  other problems

Thyroid (major metabolic and energy hormone) – many people have overt and low normal (subclinical) low thyroid, and this affects everything from brain function, weight, headaches, GI functions, and your whole body systems

Sex & Adrenal Hormones  

  • estrogen imbalance can lead to dementia, breast, uterine, and cervical cancer

  • progesterone being low can lead to PMS, anxiety, insomnia and more

  • testosterone (important in so many things like strength, bones, brain) drops with age and especially in men with belly fat

  • cortisol levels high from stress AND LACK OF SLEEP (which leads to depression, chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes and more) lead to mental and brain problems, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, depression, decreased immune function, osteoporosis and more


Insulin Resistance: Chromium 500mg twice daily, Glucomannan fiber polyglycoplex (PGX = konjac root, 4 capsules 5-10 min before meals with a glass of water can really help insulin resistance and weight problems), alpha lipoic acid, other (like biotin, vanadium, n-acetylcysteine), herbs (like cinnamon, ginseng, green tea, garlic, acacia bark, fenugreek)

Thyroid Support: a quality MVI, iodine, fish oil, vitamin D, and avoid fluoride and check for gluten sensitivity

Sex Hormones: ground flaxseeds 2 Tbsp/d, evening primrose oil 1000mg twice/d

PMS: can be helped by Chasteberry 100mg twice a day, Estrifactors, or EstroDIM (helps improve detoxification if sex hormones), and often progesterone

Menopause: black cohosh 20mg twice/d, and bio-identical hormones

Key  #3: Cooling off Inflammation – you might say we are all on fire – inflammation is the basis of almost all diseases – dementia, psychiatric  and brain diseases, asthma and allergy, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease

  • due to allergens, toxins, infections, and nutritional deficiencies, and 60% of our immune system is in our GI tract…… “Leaky Gut” happens when our GI barrier is weakened by a nutrient-poor diet high in sugar and low in fiber, by nutritional deficiencies of zinc and omega-3 fats, by overuse of antibiotics and hormones, by exposure to environmental toxins, and by high levels or mental and emotional stressors which allow the outside environment to leak into your body and brain and you develop allergies and systemic immune problems

Causes of Inflammation:

  • our INFLAMMATORY DIET which consists of enormous amounts of sugar, refined flours, and trans & saturated fats

  • FOOD ALLERGENS that are mostly delayed reactions to food or hidden allergies that lead to “brain allergies” and inflammation

  • imbalances in DIGESTIVE FUNCTION and the gut immune system that produce widespread systemic effects

  • TOXINS such as mercury and pesticides, which have been linked to immune dysfunction and autoimmune diseases

  • low-grade, hidden, or CHRONIC INFECTIONS (like HIV, syphilis, Lyme disease) which can cause neurologic or psychiatris “diseases”

  • STRESS (emotional or physical)



  • NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES such as Vitamin B, D, C, zinc, and omega-3 fats

“To prevent and treat depression, autism, Alzheimers, or any disease that affects the mood, behavior or brain, we must learn how to get rid of the causes of inflammation and restore the normal balance through the food we eat, nutrients, exercise, sleep, and stress management.”


Eliminate sugar & refined carbohydrates and hidden food allergens (most importantly is gluten and then dairy)

Herbs– turmeric (200mg twice daily with food), ginger, rosemary

Digestive enzymes – like our DIgestazyme 2 before meals

Sleep, Exercise, Vitamins, De-stress

Key #4: Fix Your Digestion

The gut is our second brain, made from the same embryonic tissue as our brain, and still connected through the autonomic nervous system – “YOU ARE NOT ONLY WHAT YOU EAT, BUT ULTIMATELY YOU ARE TRULY WHAT YOU ABSORB.’

Our gut: BREAKS DOWN YOUR FOOD (with the help of adequate stomach acid, digestive enzymes, and bile which require zinc to turn on these enzymes), LETIS IN GOOD STUFF (absorbing only the molecules we need  like amino acids, fats, sugars, vitamins & minerals through a one-cell-thick layer barrier to keep us properly nourished), KEEPS OUT the BAD STUFF (like toxins, bad bugs & chemicals), MAKES STUFF (the 500 different kind weighing 3 pounds of bacteria in our gut produce about 95% or our serotonin, has every class of neurotransmitter, and produces vitamins and more), and PROTECTS YOU (out gut contains 60% of our immune system and protects us from illness)

Example of a very violent 6 year old girl: she had high ammonia levels (from fermentation of starches and yeast from our SAD diet)-low levels of Zinc and Magnesium and omega-3 fats and B vitamins, and delayed food allergies to gluten and dairy—-she totally healed after treatment with an antibiotic to clear out the bad bugs in her gut, an antifungal to clear her yeast overgrowth, a gluten free and dairy free diet, whole organic foods, and supplements of cod liver oil, magnesium, B vitamins, and a quality MVI

High levels of peptides (little proteins) that are produced by inadequate digestion of gluten (from wheat, rye, barley) and casein (from dairy) affect the morphine and opium receptors of the brain causing many brain and psychiatric problems

People who have Celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease are more likely to get dementia, and even schizophrenia has been linked to bowel inflammation and autoimmune response to gluten!

“Eliminating food allergens from your diet for 6 weeks, and taking digestive enzymes, zinc, and probiotics can all help repair damaged intestinal lining and bring your digestive system and your brain back into balance.”

Treatment: Clear out the bad bugs, eliminate food allergens, support digestion with enzymes, add in healthy bacteria (probiotics-prebiotics) &healing nutrients, and distress/relaxation

  • chew each mouthful 20-25 times (this releases EPF=epithelial growth factor needed for healing of the digestive lining), eat slowly and don’t do anything else while eating (takes 20min for the brain to get the message that the stomach is full), never eat standing up

  • Enzymes= take 2 capsules of a broad spectrum enzyme (like our Digestazyme)before each meal at least for 6 months while healing gut and then as needed, and test if you also need more HCL-hydrochloric acid to break down protein (test by starting with 1 tablet before each meal and increase by 1 tab each meal until you have a warm feeling in your stomach, and then back down to the dose just before the warm feeling occurred)

  • Probiotics (healthy bacteria): get one form a good vitamin manufacturer who tests for active bacteria in their capsule and guarantees the amount before expiration date – 15-20billion/day, our Orthobiotic is the best; and some people need extra one to fight yeast over growth and bad bugs = Saccharomyces boulardii 150mg-250mg = 3-5billion CFUs once or twice daily on an empty stomach for 6 weeks for gut-repair)

  • Nutrients & Herbs: Glutamine 2,5000mg twice a day (fuel for intestinal healing and take for 1-2 months), Quercitin 500mg twice daily with food (anti-inflammatory to restore balance)


UltraMind Solution: Part 4


UltraMind Solution: Part 1