When to Start Scheduling Mammograms

The U.S Preventative Services Task Force recommended this November 16th, that women with average risk do not get yearly mammograms until age 50. This is based on their data that indicates in order to save the life of one woman in her 40s from breast cancer, 1,904 women would have to be screened every year for up to 20 years. There was a new recommendation last year that woman in their 40s could get a mammogram every two years.

I recommend women over age 40 get a mammogram about once a year, but if you have average risk it would be fine to get it every 2 years. Then at age 50 all woman should get a mammogram once every year. The following are good question and answers…

1. Who is affected by the new guidelines?
Women over 40 at average risk of breast cancer. See my recommendations for my patients above.

2. If you are in your 40s, can you still get mammograms?
Yes, the guidelines do not advise against mammograms for any woman.

3. Will insurance still cover mammograms for women in their 40s?
Insurers have indicated no plans to change mammogram coverage for women in their 40s.

4. What are my risks if I do not get a mammogram?
The risks and benefits vary with each woman, but current data show that yearly screenings on average decrease the risk of dying from breast cancer by 15%.

5. Who is at high risk for developing breast cancer?
Factors which increase your risk include a family history of breast cancer, genetic mutations, smoking, alcohol, hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills, lack of exercise, metabolic syndrome.


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