Dr. Lisa’s Gluten Free Flour Recipe
This is a direct replacement for regular white wheat flour in baked goods like pies, crepes, cookies, and more. It is a little more nutritious than bleached white flour (and I often double the garbonzo bean flour in this recipe to boost nutrition). Though striving for the healthiest body & brain building food, I use different whole grain flours in most of my baking or cooking – like brown rice flour, millet flour, almond flour, garbonzo bean flour and more! (And I do not make many desserts, but enjoy God’s awesome tastey and healthy whole foods.)
2 ½ cups – white rice flour
1 cup – potato starch flour
1 cup – tapioca flour
¼ cup – garbanzo bean flour
¼ cup – corn starch
2 ½ Tbsp. – xanthum gum
Hugs & prayers for you all, and for us all to keep building our bodies and brains!
Phil.4:13 “We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us!”
Dr. Lisa