CIMT Available in Indianapolis

A CIMT is a Carotid Intima-Media Test and is now available in Indianapolis! It tells you a lot about your cardiovascular age. It is an excellent progress marker we can use in our functional medicine practice to measure heart age and health. This service is available annually to our Age Well to Excell program and our Hope Care concierge patients.

What we learn from the CIMT report:

There are two very important parts of the CIMT report you will find most informative for your health. The first thing we learn is the carotid artery plaquing.

Types of Artery Plaguing

The type of plaguing is important. Is it:

  • soft

  • heterogeneous

  • calcified?

The Intima-Media Thickness

The other part of the report that is important is the intima-media thickness. This will tell you what arterial age is and the percentile you are in. It shows you on an easy to read graph so you know where you are and what you want to work toward.

Doing this easy, once a year test will show you your progress toward a healthier, more youthful cardiovascular system! You will work with our Dr. Lisa in the Age Well to Excell program and follow her recommendations for your life changes (e.g. changing your diet, losing weight, sleeping better) and you will see how personalized habits can change.

This is an easy, quick and non-invasive test:

If you are interested in functional medicine or concierge healthcare and can travel to our north central Indianapolis clinic (conveniently near Carmel and Westfield area) call us at 317-660-0888 and ask about becoming a new patient.


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