Designing Your Own Home Gym

Designing your own home gym can be a complicated process.

The first thing in my mind that you need a good set of dumbbells. I recommend powerblock dumbbells (pictured below). I purchased these at Bob Block Fitness in Castleton. There are 3 different locations of Bob Block located in Carmel and Greenwood. You can also order them online.


These are a very cost effective way of getting dumbbells. Pictured below is the Sport 9.0 stage 1 and stage 2. It is 5-90 lbs. The total cost of this unit is $598.


If you purchased regular dumbbells in 5 pound increments you would spend over $750 for the same amount of weight. The price per pound is calculated at $1.35 per pound.

The nice thing about the powerblock dumbbells is that they can be adjusted in 2 1/2 pound increments. This is very effective when training and trying to increase weight in small increments.

A Stability Ball

Another important part of the home gym is a stability ball. Most people have these so I won’t talk to much about them.

A Bosu Ball

A big plus in my book is having a Bosu ball. These run a little more expensive, $100-150 depending on where you go. They are a great addition to the home gym because of their versatility with training and balance.

Medicine Balls

Medicine balls are also a great addition too. These vary in style and cost. They are great for adding variety to sit ups and one handed push-ups.

Ab Mats

An ab mat is also a great addition for comfort when doing any movement on the floor. A yoga mat is okay too instead of an ab mat.

Cario Machines

Cardio is also important part of a home gym. The cardio machine, in my mind, should be something you don’t mind doing in the winter months when you can’t be outside as much. I purchased my upright bike and elliptical from Bicycle Garage of Indy. They have a great variety of cardio equipment at decent price. There is a huge variety in price when it comes to home cardio it all depends on where you go to purchase one. I would recommend not spending bottom dollar on cardio.

Plate Weights

Plate weights are also a great addition to the home gym. There are 2 different types of plate weights, Standard and Olympic. Standard weights are smaller in size than the Olympic weights. They have 1 inch hole and use a smaller bar that weighs about 15-20 pounds. Olympic weights have a 3 inch hole and use a 45 pound bar. Either is fine and you will pay about the same for the plates. The bars vary in price. Depending on the type of lifting you want to get in. If you are a more serious lifter you want to get the Olympic style.

You may also want to consider a multi-position bench. The cost of these vary greatly too. I would purchase a little nicer one to make sure it sturdy.

Exercise Bands

Bands are also good to have around. A lot of people have these around as well. They are good have around to switch things up.


Keep in mind that purchasing equipment for a home gym is going to be expensive in the beginning, but in the long run it will save you money. Just make sure that it doesn’t become a cloths hanger.

If you go to Bob Block tell them that I referred you and you should get a discount on whatever you purchase.


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