How Core Restore Cleanse Changed my Life!

Please read this from Elyssa and do Core Restore liver detox/digestive cleanse weeklong kit to un-burden your body and change your life!  As for Elyssa and most people, the Core Restore detox will dramatically improve your health.  We are exposed to so many environmental, food, and lifestyle toxins.  It is very important once or twice a year to do this Core Restore detox to restore our body’s ability to cleanse itself and eliminate toxins.  It is a terrific start to avoid food sensitivities, see how much better you feel, and to start eating MUCH better.  Give yourself and someone you love this gift this Christmas season and begin eating for life and health!

From Elyssa

Several months ago I received my monthly e-newsletter from Dr. Lisa and Excell for Life.  The primary topic of the newsletter was “Do a Cleanse with your Doctor!”  The newsletter provided some details about the Core Restore Cleanse and its benefits and suggested that you reserve a spot at the Wednesday night class when it would be discussed and available for purchase.  One of the biggest draws for me was that Dr. Lisa would be doing the cleanse with us.  I went to the meeting and was excited by the prospect of what Core Restore could potentially do for me.  I purchased the kit and a few days later began the 7 day journey.

For months (maybe even a year) I had been feeling sluggish, beat down and just exhausted.  My stressful-by-nature job had become even more stressful and I had begun to stress eat and had gained quite a bit of weight. I had terrible food cravings and it was never for anything healthy.  I was exercising–but these efforts couldn’t counteract the effects of the stress eating or the stress itself.  I wasn’t sleeping well, in fact, I hadn’t been sleeping well for quite some time and more often than not had to utilize a prescription medication to facilitate a decent night’s rest.  I needed to do something to get myself feeling better and eating better.  I wanted to reset myself and try to jump start my weight loss.

The first two days of the cleanse are a modified fast (with a protein/vitamin supplement to mix in rice milk), and then the next 5 days include the protein supplement and only healthy foods.  The fasting days I was very concerned about.  Surprisingly, I didn’t struggle with feeling hungry as much as I thought I would!  The best part was that starting day 1 I slept like the dead.  I can’t remember the last time I slept so soundly.  And for the most part, I continue to sleep soundly to this day–drug free.  By the end of day 2, I just had a feeling of lightness about me and boy was I ready for day three to hit and to eat some real food!

By day 4 or 5 I started to feel really energetic.  I felt full much more quickly than I used to and all of my food cravings were gone.  By day 7 I felt like a million bucks.  If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I would not believe how amazing I felt at the end of the 7 days.

These are the benefits I personally experienced from my 7 day Core Restore Cleanse:  I lost 6 pounds that I did not gain back (and I’ve lost more since); my food cravings are gone; I no longer drink soda/pop—and I was a religious diet coke drinker (I now only have one cup of coffee in the morning and then it’s usually water the rest of the day); my energy levels have remained much higher; I still sleep soundly at night with out the aid of prescription medication.

I now take the Alphabase multivitamin as my daily vitamin (it’s part of the cleanse kit), and I genuinely believe it is the most effective multivitamin I’ve ever taken.  I also use the Life Core Complete shake mix (another Orthomolecular product) every morning for my breakfast meal to make a smoothie with fresh fruit, because I’ve become such a believer in their products.  This cleanse truly changed my life.  I physically feel better than I have in years.  I intend to do this cleanse twice a year for the rest of my life and I’m grateful to Dr. Lisa for giving me the opportunity to experience this change!  I would encourage everyone to try this cleanse…maybe it will change your life too!

Elyssa M.


UltraMind Solution: Part 2


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