HOW TO GO… - Free & Excell Your Health!

You’ve just been told you need to eat gluten-dairy-egg-peanut-soy-&/or corn-FREE, or like my daughter… gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, peanut-free, soy-free, and on a 4 day rotation diet…!!!  How do you, and how did Dr. Lisa do it???  JUMP IN, research and begin to “doggie paddle”, and soon you WILL swim and Excell your health for life!

The most powerful tool you have to change your body, brain, and health is your fork!  Food is the quickest and most powerful medicine you can take to heal & change your life – it is not just calories, but information that talks to our genes and cells.“You see, the real cause of the epidemics of mental and physical illness in this country is our SAD diet – the Standard American Diet – which is nutrient deficient and packed with chemicals that poison our bodies.  There is no such thing as junk food – there is just food, and then there is junk! ” by Dr. Mark Hyman, “UltraMind Solution”

 SO eat real whole food as it comes from the earth (and organic as much as you can).

Take Some Time to Research & Get Help

  • type your problem/diet change into your search engine like Google and begin reading and learning (for gluten-free, G-free,,, and many more)

  • purchase a book to aid you with your food allergy/sensitivity (for G-free, “The G-free Diet” by Hasselbeck, “Gluten-free 101” by fenster, or for general overview of all, “UltraMind Solution” by Hyman)

  • keep a journal and files of your research tips and recipes

  • make an appointment with a great nutritionist (like the Dr. Lisa uses, Jodi Smith @

Organize Your Kitchen and Begin Your Lifelong Very Healthy Pursuit of Reading All Labels (and label your special foods at home)

  • read all labels and give away or store foods you cannot eat

  • make a shopping list of essentials you need to replace (for G-free, bread, crackers, fluors, snacks, pasta, condiments & dressings, etc.)

  • RE-ORGNIZE your kitchen-refrigerator-freezer-pantry to make your dietary needs accessible and to avoid contamination

  • assume anything pre-made or boxed is not safe until proven otherwise

Set a Start Date (preferably by 1-2 weeks) and JUMP IN like Dr. Lisa did!

  • to really help in your 1st week and see quickly how much better you will feel, strongly consider doing our weeklong Core Restore detox & digestive cleanse kit which will take you away from all allergenic foods and includes detailed instructions (see my December blog article, “How Core Restore Changed My Life”, and most people lose 5-7 punds that week)

  • plan your meals and snacks a week ahead and make grocery lists

  • research the …-free version of your favorites (like I did this Christmas for a very good gluten-free peanutbutter kiss cookie), and stock up on the …free foods that resemble the foods you used to eat

  • as much as possible eat organic grass fed meat and dairy, and organic foods (to decrease toxin exposure to your body)

  • the 1st 2 weeks are the hardest, but then you will get into a routine and be getting healthier

  • enjoy cooking & baking and freeze extras!, and start with simple dishes and then move on to more elaborate (Hasselbeck’s cookbook, “Deliciously G-Free” is excellent)

  • think REPLACE NOT REMOVE = replace or substitute the healthier high quality alternative (a food that will heal you and not cause your body harm)

  • dose of perspective = you will have to read labels, BUT you have the ability to make yourself 100% better

  • speed up your body detox by drinking a lot of filtered water (half your body weight in ounces/day), having 2 bowel movements a day, and sweat it out by daily aerobic exercise and even a steam bath or hot bath with Epsom salts & baking soda (gives your body a good relaxing dose of magnesium)

How NOT to be a Party Pooper

  • eat your meal in advance

  • BYOT (bring your own treat/snacks)

  • buddy up with your friend or spouse or family

  • don’t take a bite just to be polite

  • ask many questions

  • just say NO!


  • do your work ahead of time by researching online and even calling

  • speak to the manager (esp on your 1ts visit to that restaurant) and waiter and tip generously

  • BYO seasoning or bread or whatever

  • get “Let’s Eat Out! Your Passport to Living Gluten & Allergy Free”


  • research ahead of time the hotel and restaurants and bring the info with you

  • pack plenty of snacks (and even ship snacks if a long trip, and GoPicnic has great GF snack travel meals)

  • shop once you are there at a health food store and grocery

  • ask for a frig and microwave in your room

  • research and have with you fast food options (may want to plasticize your info)

Kids with Food Allergy/Sensitivity

  • teach and be honest, and read labels together

  • cook and bake together

  • talk to teachers each year

  • many back up meals and snacks

  • plan ahead for birthday and other parties

  • listen and be empathetic and have your home be a safe place (my 12 year old daughter with Celiac Disease has to face a world full of gluten including daily at her school lunch table, so we are totally gluten-free at our home, except my 18 year old will have some foods with gluten in his room)

  • research summer camps and programs

  • teach your child with confidence and power, No thanks, I’m …-free!

Dr. Lisa Tips

  • revamping your entire relationship with food takes time and you will have some good and bad days

  • plan out your groceries and the list of things you get there (many new organic and food allergy foods being offered at Costco, Kroger has good health food section, Target and Marsh are getting more, and Earth Fair, Whole Foods, and Georgetown Market or your local health food store)

  • shop your local farmer’s markets

  • some of our favorite restaurants with good gluten-free options – Red Rodin & 96th St. Burgers (have great gluten-free bun), Noodles & Co., Monical’s Pizza, Stonecreek Dining Co., Cooper’s Hawk Winery (only place I’ve found that will serve gluten-free bread), Maggianno’s, P.F. Chang’s, Bonefish Grill, EL Rodeo Mexican Restaurants

  • GoPicnic packaged gluten-free meals (can order on

  • egg replacer = EnerG

  • great fresh almond butter and peanut butter at Whole Foods

Encouraging Summary!

An allergy-free diet is about getting more, not giving up.  It will expand what you eat as you examine every food choice and how it will make you feel.  You will start to witness the incredible effect eating healthy and this way has on your brain, energy level, and your whole outlook on life!   YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!

With love and faith in you and our great Lord who has blessed us with SO many healthy food options,

Dr. Lisa


How Core Restore Cleanse Changed my Life!


Vital Nutrient and Vitamin Deficiencies from Our Foods and Medicines