Dr. Lisa Smoothie

Try to get all organic, and if you don’t have a veggie or fruit then substitute another – you can use up what is in your refrigerator! For tips to make this easier, try the simplified version of Dr. Lisa’s Smoothie. ENJOY the life-giving energy-giving nutrition! This will be very smooth if you make in a Vitamix (perfectly mixes in less than 30 seconds)…


2 big handfuls spinach
1-2 handfuls cauliflower
1-2 handfuls of broccoli
1 handful carrots
2 scoops beet powder or ½ – 1 raw beet
1 handful/serving cabbage
1 handful/serving red cabbage
1 handful kale
2 stalks of celery
½ zucchini or yellow squash

1-2 apples with skin but not core (and this cuts the green flavor)
1 frozen banana
1 handful frozen mango from Trader Joes
1 handful frozen peaches, and or strawberries or blueberries, etc.
1 pear (with skin but core taken out)

½-1 cup almond milk
2-3 T raw honey
(¼ cup cocoa if desired)
2 T peanut or almond butter
1-2 scoops protein powder (our GHI Opticleanse is great for protein & helps in detox, or Vegetable protein powder – Vega Protein or Plant Fusion)

Vitamix smooth everything except the frozen fruit. Then add the frozen fruit and Vitamix until smooth. You can eat with a spoon – is consistency similar to pudding (and can drink through a large straw if desired).

You can adjust and enjoy as you like and be creative! The above has more than FIFTEEN VEGETABLES AND FRUITS and gives such awesome fuel and energy for your mind and body. I usually eat ½ for breakfast and then ¼-1/2 for lunch and or dinner.

Blessings & prayers always!

Dr. Lisa


Raw Vegan Brownies


Zucchini Gluten Free Casserole